Counselor Application
If you would like to be a counselor at Outdoor School...
...are ready to make a difference... your leadership skills... a great role model and...
...earn service hours...
Please click on the following link: Counselor Application
Parent Packet
The Parent Packet contains everything you need to know about sending your child to the Outdoor School.
Parent Packets are distributed at your child's middle school and should be completed and returned to your child's school by the date indicated by their teacher.
If you need an additional copy or would like to reference the packet, please follow the links to the left.
To access the parent packet in Spanish which includes the forms required for Outdoor School, please click on the link below:
Para acceder a la información en Español lo que incluye las formas necesarias para Outdoor School, por favor use la linea abajo:
Service Learning
Service Learning
The Service-Learning Graduation Requirement was passed in 1992 by the Maryland State Department of Education. This requirement mandates that public school students earn a minimum of 75 hours of service-learning prior to graduation.
Definition of Service-Learning
Service-Learning is a teaching method that combines meaningful service to the community with curriculum-based learning. Students improve their academic skills by applying what they learn in school to the real world; they then reflect on their experience to reinforce the link between their service and their learning (Definition provided by Learning In Deed)
REMINDER: Students must return their completed Reflection Form by October of their 7th grade year in order to earn the 10 additional service learning hours for projects done at home after attending Outdoor School. The Reflection Form must be returned to the Student Service Coordinator at the home school. This form is the last page in the students' Outdoor School journal.
Please click on the link for the Outdoor School Service Learning Form: